How to reset your College Network Access password

Tags CNA

How to register for the Self-Service Password Portal

If you ever forget your College Network Access (CNA) password, you can reset it by using our online Password Portal. If you know your current CNA credentials, you can set up your personal email and/or SMS text on your cellphone to receive verification codes. Additionally, you can install the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone. This app provides an additional platform to verify your accounts. Students’ personal emails are automatically registered for the Password Portal. If you would like to register another email address, cellphone number and/or get Google Authenticator to receive verification codes:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your CNA credentials, click “Login”
  3. Add your personal email and/or ten digit cellphone number and click “Enroll”
  4. If you would like to add Google Authenticator as an additional verification option, click the Google Authenticator tab and follow the directions to install the app to your smartphone

How to reset your CNA password

If you forget your CNA password and have registered for the Password Portal, you can reset your password on your own. Just remember, the reset will affect all services using the CNA password. To reset your password:

  1. Go to or on the login screen on a College Computer, click “Reset your Password”
  2. Enter your CNA user name in the “User Name” field
  3. Type in the characters you see from the picture displayed, click “Continue”
  4. Either select an email, cellphone number or the Google Authenticator option to receive your verification code and then click “Continue”
  5. Check your email, text messages or the authenticator app for the code, enter it into the “Verification Code” field and then click “Continue”
  6. Enter in your new password, then click “Reset Password”

How to change your CNA password

If you know your password, but want to change it:

On a College computer on campus:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on your keyboard, and click “Change a password”
  2. Enter your old password
  3. Enter your new password or passphrase, which must be at least 10 characters, including mixed case, numbers and punctuation
  4. Click the arrow button to submit the change. Windows will confirm that your password was successfully changed.
  5. Click OK to return to your desktop

On a device off-campus:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your CNA credentials, click “Login”
  3. Select the “Change Password tab”
  4. Enter your old password
  5. Enter your new password or passphrase, which must be at least 10 characters, including mixed case, numbers and punctuation
  6. Click “Change Password”

By default, password notifications are sent to your student email address; you can change your email settings to forward student emails to your personal email address.

Password requirements

Your password must be at least 10 characters long and use a combination of at least three of the following: lowercase letters, upper case letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+=~`. ). To make it easier to remember, use a passphrase — a sequence of words that may contain mixed case, numbers and punctuation (e.g. IamaStarTrekFan->LiveLong&Prosper! or If you are not yet using a passphrase, consider changing it to one now.

We recommend creating a strong and secure password or passphrase. Take the Password Test to validate the strength of your password or passphrase.

Your password cannot include your own name or the words "Douglas college".

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More information

A College Network Access account is provided to active employees and students by Human Resources and Enrolment Services, respectively.

To reset the College Network Access password, please visit

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Article ID: 7976
Mon 12/11/23 3:15 PM
Wed 4/10/24 3:48 PM

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