Multifactor Authentication (MFA)


What is MFA?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to your account, significantly reducing the risk of compromise and protecting you from cybercrime.  Bad actors often find creative ways to gain access to an individual’s account, often by stealing usernames and passwords.  MFA provides another form of verification which protects your account from unauthorized access.

How does MFA work?

Once registered, MFA works by combining two forms of verification to confirm your identity.

  1. Enter your CNA credentials to sign in to your account on your device.
  2. Your device displays a two-digit code.
  3. On your phone, enter the code in the Microsoft Authenticator app and tap “Yes” to approve your sign in.

Setting Up MFA 

Click this button for the latest MFA instructions.

Setting up MFA on your phone

Issues with MFA?

For assistance with setting up or resetting MFA, visit the library at either the New West or Coquitlam campus. Student’s Helping Students (SHS) is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm to provide support. Book an appointment through text message or email!

If you are unable to travel to the College then you can also contact Service Desk for assistance with issues.



Article ID: 9017
Thu 2/29/24 6:12 PM
Thu 2/20/25 6:19 PM

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For help with MFA reset, receiving MFA verification codes and other MFA issues

