Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Multifactor Authentication (MFA), also known as Two-factor authentication (2FA), is used on college accounts to better protect students, employees and other college stakeholders against cybercrime.

All newly registered students and new hires are required to set up MFA on their accounts.

This additional layer of security reinforces account protection by combining something you know (your password) with something you have (e.g., your mobile phone).


Since it is more challenging for cybercriminals to compromise your MFA device than your password, your account is better protected with MFA.

Issues with MFA?

For assistance with setting up or resetting MFA, visit the library at either the New West or Coquitlam campus. Student’s Helping Students (SHS) is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm to provide support. Book an appointment through text message or email!

If you are unable to travel to the college then you can also contact Service Desk for assistance with issues.

Setting Up MFA 

Here are the steps to complete your MFA setup:

Step 1 – Select your preferred authentication option.

We strongly recommend that you use an authenticator app as your preferred authentication option.
In the future, vendors are expected to make this option mandatory.

Please make sure that you have more than one authentication option selected. This could be very helpful if you change your phone or your phone number.

Your secondary MFA verification options may include an authenticator app on a different mobile device, a text message or a phone call.

See MFA Authentication Options for the pros and cons of different options and choose what works best for you.

Step 2 – Set up your MFA

MFA Setup can be accessed from this link:

This will bring you to a screen that looks like this:


Clicking on “+ Add sign-in method” will allow you to choose MFA options:


Here are instructions from Microsoft on how to set up MFA on your account – MFA setup instructions from Microsoft.

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Article ID: 9017
Thu 2/29/24 3:12 PM
Fri 4/5/24 9:16 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

For help with MFA reset, receiving MFA verification codes and other MFA issues